The Danish National Cup - Pokalen - is an open cup tournament where all adult teams are eligible to enter. Since 1954, the cup has provided fans countless hours of hope and excitement.
The time had come for a brand upgrade that could help take the tournament into the 21st century. We were tasked to create a brand identity that could be used across all media, from live transmissions on TV, to web and social media.
In order to ensure that the legacy of the tournament would live on, we created a vibrant visual expression with the goal of appealing to the next generation of footballers.
The design system is based on the brackets of a classic tournament schedule which provides the backdrop for still visuals as well as the animations used on-screen during live transmissions.
Based on the idea of cup tournament schedules and prize podiums, we created an animation universe that adds dynamism and energy to screen graphics.
To make the identity come alive on screen, we created a library of various on-screen graphics for team line-ups, substitutions, game clock etc. to ensure that the identity comes across on the brand's most prolific touchpoints.